I received the product within two weeks. The battery comes with it. Very easy to use model, size of a small TV remote. It has a "regular mode" and a "stronger mode" function for the more barkier stubborn dogs. The stronger setting has a laser beam and bright light to catch the attention of the dog, the normal setting is just a silent it has no lights but a dog definitely reacts to it.
My Yorkie/Chihuahua runs out the door full speed ahead, barking like a nutbar letting the whole neighborhood know we’re out there. She’s so involved in her barking that breaking her attention is impossible. Enter BarxBuddy! It's been easier to train her now using this product as an added feature during her most stubborn moments. I’m very much against animal cruelty and use this device only when extra reinforcement is required.
I’d recommend this for anybody! I’ve been through 3 expensive bark collars that malfunction or die after so many months.
BarxBuddy has no sound for the humans, but definitely the dog.
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend