I went and bought two of these; the round one and deep square one. I used then for a while and it started sticking bad, so I thought well, I'll heat them up on low before I use them. The first few times they don't stick, but if you'd cook more of the same thing in the skillet about the third time it starts to stick bad. I never had mine in the dishwasher.
When I first got mine I loved them, and when my brother asked what we though we told him that these are some great pans. So he went and got him two. A few weeks later he called and said, "hey do your pans stick?" He went on saying "I never put any metal to them, I use those utensils you told me to use." He added, "mine sticks bad."
I am NOT a very happy costumer! I had others ask and I told them about the experience my brother and I were having. I wish they wouldn't stick. I liked them at first.
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend