Merrian Cosby
FloridaMember since February 2016

Reviews (1)

    • Mar 4, 2016
    • Verified Reviewer


    The Effects of the VitaPulse On My Neurological System

    Overall Experience:

    I am so pleased that you have given me the opportunity to share with you my testimony concerning the VitaPulse product.

    First, let me give you some background information. All my life, I have had this dreadful neuromuscular disorder, which I don't care to name. The symptoms are clearly visible to those around me. For about the last couple years, it has grown worse, and I have been having some heart issues, which seem to have some connection with this disorder. It's hard to explain, but I'll give it my best shot.

    This is going to sound strange. It's like my inside organs and muscles were moving around inside my body. It felt as if I had a muscle on the left of the heart and a muscle on the right side of my heart, and the two muscles were playing tug-of-war against each other over my heart. It felt like the left muscle was pulling my heart out of position, while the right muscle was tugging to pull it back into position. My heart rhythm was strangely irregular while this was going on within my chest. The left muscle would eventually give way, and my heart seemed like it would just "pop" back into position. After a few seconds, then my heartbeat would normalize again.

    Because of my heart and other muscles moving around and feeling like I had critters living inside, it was putting a lot of stress on my body. I'd feel like I was so tense, I could hardly stand it. There was no pain, mind you, but it was strange and uncomfortable.

    Now then, since I have been using the VitaPulse product, I've not been having those issues anymore, and I've been on it for about two months. I don't understand what is in this VitaPulse stuff, but I think it's absolutely amazing. I still have the neuromuscular disorder, but it seems this product is making a difference for me. Is it my imagination? Possibly. But I do think it interesting that before taking VataPulse, I could not control this condition. Now I feel like I have more control over it, not to mention more energy. It's like I'm able to manage my hardships better because I feel better.

    By the way, If I should have to miss a few months of VitaPulse, it would only be because of a financial crisis I'm dealing with. It would be great if I could win the contest for the product I am so much in need of.

    Thank you for allowing me to share, and thank you for VitaPulse.

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    7 people found it helpful

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