William L.
Fountain Hills, AZMember since April 2019

Reviews (1)

    • May 7, 2019
    • Verified Reviewer

    Dr. Marty ProPower Plus

    "Dolly" has almost finished the jar of ProPower Plus (25 days now)

    Overall Experience:

    Looks like a 30-day supply? Dolly is a National Champion Aussie, age 11 in Dog Agility competition. She has always had a hip problem since age 4. I have been giving her Adaquan shots every 21 days by my Vet after extensive tests. It is now into both hips. And she is partially retired with me doing only Obedience and Rally walks for exercise. I blame it when after she won her 1st National Title in Colorado and while on a walk around the block, we were attacked by a Pit Bull breed dog that got loose from its yard. He peeled Dolly off my leg as I tried to protect her. The Vets said her x-rays looked like she got hit by a truck! It took 6 months to rehab her properly and she came back winning 7 straight runs in Agility. She has always been ranked nationally #4 to #8 by the Aussie Times in the Nation! Based on the three runs they do in competition. We have competed from Bakersfield, California to Tennessee. I want her to be happy and not in pain. I could see some improvement with your powder! She still licks her front paws! I was hoping that would stop. I still give her the Adaquan shot once a month. She no longer competes in Agility. I feel you have some good stuff in that powder as I did see some improvement in the licking. Her companion is "Molly", age 6 also a National Champion Aussie in Agility but never ranked because she ran in the shadow of the great Dolly, always. Two National Title dogs, so we stopped competing in earnest and just for fun now locally. I wanted to try your powder to stop the paw licking but it continues, not as much as before. I am happy with the results.

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    3 people found it helpful

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