Richard S.
Richard S.
Cohoctah, MIMember since August 2019

Reviews (1)

    • Sep 2, 2019
    • Verified Reviewer

    Dr. Marty ProPower Plus

    Worth every penny!

    Overall Experience:

    Dr. Marty,

    I am always highly skeptical of the many pet nutritional supplements that flood the market. However, I bit the bullet and purchased your product. It has been approximately 3 weeks and there are highly notable differences in both my dog’s behavior and health. I have a 10-year-old Australian Shepherd. As you know, they are prone to hip problems as they age. Within a week of giving my Nalo your supplement, he has had little to no trouble going from a standing position to a sitting position and vice versa. Before taking the supplement, it pained me to watch him struggle to do both. In addition, he was once horribly gassy and would clear a room almost every day. Now...nothing but a happy pleasant smelling dog.

    About a year ago, Nalo was taken to a groomer who completely butchered his beautiful hair, shaving well into the undercoat. We had hoped it would grow back, but a year later, there was no difference except a few tufts growing here and there. We had all but given up until he started taking the supplement. In the 3 weeks, he has been on it, he has grown at least an inch of fur, evenly on his body. I am so thrilled with your product and the way it has enhanced the quality of life for my sweet baby. I can’t wait to see what the next 3 weeks bring. Dr. Marty, thank you for caring enough about our beautiful furry friends to put so much time and effort into developing this product.


    Your new life-long customers.

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    2 people found it helpful

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