Tammy B.
New YorkMember since August 2019

Reviews (1)

    • Sep 4, 2019
    • Verified Reviewer

    Dr. Marty ProPower Plus


    Overall Experience:

    We have two Cava-a-Poos. A male and a female. The male suffered from allergies that caused "hot spots" on his coat and constant licking of his paws. He has been on medication for the problem. But, it didn't seem to be working so well. Also, his stool was soft and his stomach seemed to be very sensitive to certain foods. We ordered the ProPower and added to the food. After about a week we saw a big difference in him. After two weeks the sores were all gone and little to no licking. I believe the ProPowder helped both of them in so many ways including the runny eye issue that so many of the smaller breeds have. It's a great product.

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    2 people found it helpful

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