Anna B.
Anna B.
College Grove, TNMember since October 2019

Reviews (1)

    • Oct 31, 2019
    • Verified Reviewer

    Dr. Marty Nature’s Blend

    So far so good!

    Overall Experience:

    Our Siberian husky is a little over a year old now. She was diagnosed with a rather significant zinc deficiency when she was about four months old. In addition to obviously trying to provide her with healthier food that would fulfill all her nutritional needs, I was hoping to see improvement in two specific categories.

    1. Willingness to eat the food! I had tried countless different food options trying to find one that she wouldn’t turn up her nose to. Without fail, SHE WOULD REFUSE TO EAT EVEN A BITE! The only thing she would eat was the cheap grocery store food that my vet equates to feeding her a Big Mac. So I started prepping her meals just like I did for us! Salmon, chicken, appropriate veggies, etc. It had begun to feel like a full time job, not to mention I really had no clue if I was feeding her appropriately sized portions of each food given the fact that she was a growing puppy whose needs were constantly evolving! I was completely OVER IT!

    2. Dermatologic Issues were also a full-time job in and of themselves! Her coat had begun to thin significantly and was also beginning to look dull. She was constantly scratching, and even worse she had begun chewing incessantly on her poor little paws that were ALWAYS IRRITATED and red (often resulting in the need for medical intervention). The vet put her on Apoquil to help with the itching, as well as the 3 zinc pills I was already giving her for her deficiency. When things would ultimately lead to having to be on a steroid and antibiotic for the infections that would result, I was constantly GIVING HER MEDICINE! On top of that I was trying everything from the wipes, shampoo, and mouse that Duoxo makes to prevent further skin irritation/infection! We had the conversation with our vet about putting her on a special diet for dogs with allergies, which at that point just seemed like more work!

    That’s when I decided to do my own research and I came across your product. It all seemed to make sense to me, so why not try it!? Anything was an improvement from what I was dealing with! And thankfully, the very first night SHE ATE HER WHOLE BOWL OF FOOD. In fact, she scarfed it down so quickly I was worried it would make her sick! INSTANT SUCCESS with our main concern of willingness to eat the food! After about 2 weeks, I began to notice an improvement in her coat. By the time we went to the vet for her 1-year check-up, the vet even commented (unprompted) on the obvious change! The only remaining issue is the skin on her paws. We did ultimately have to give her a 2nd dose of steroids and antibiotics to get her over the hump (as her condition was pretty advanced), but now that she’s been off it for about a week I’m not seeing her regress. While she does still have some obvious irritation that’s healing, I’m hopeful the change of food has helped! Only time will tell, but we are extremely hopeful!

    I only have one suggestion/request. I would LOVE the option to buy a larger bag! It seems wasteful and silly to constantly have to order the smaller bags. Think of all the saved packaging!

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    3 people found it helpful

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