Donna S.
CaliforniaMember since October 2019

Reviews (1)

    • Nov 2, 2019
    • Verified Reviewer

    Dr. Marty Nature’s Blend

    My dogs love it

    Overall Experience:

    I have 2 dogs under the age of 2. I also have a 13-year-old who had most of her teeth removed about a year ago. I have tried different types of food but she just doesn't eat.

    Now when I get her dish out she starts running all around the kitchen and can't wait to eat. She is very active and plays with her sisters all the time. She has started to gain weight again. It is amazing.

    My miniature Schnauzer is another story. She has become very aggressive toward everyone. My grandkids were so afraid of her they wouldn't stay in the same room with her. I was starting to consider finding her a new home. Now her aggression is gone. Strangers come over and she doesn't even bark at them. My grandkids love playing with her and their fear is gone. She has turned into a sweetheart. She is my little cuddle bug.

    My Shih Tzu is precious. She loves everyone and everything. My only problem with her is that she is trying to steal the food out of the other dogs' bowls. Now I feed them separately to make sure they all get enough. Her coat has become so soft and fluffy. She looks amazing.

    I am so happy I found Dr. Marty and his website. I read everything on it. I knew I needed to try this. I am retired and live on a small fixed income. So I decided to purchase one bag. Just to see if I would notice a difference in my dogs' behavior. Never in my dreams did I expect such a change. I put Nature's Blend on top of their regular food and they couldn't eat it fast enough. They took all of their regular food out of their bowls and made a mess on the floor looking for more. It was crazy. They did it again and again. They love it. They go crazy when they see the bag.

    I will be very honest. I never thought I would spend this much money on dog food. Ever. But after seeing such a change in a little over a month I feel it is important I keep them healthy and happy. So I will find a way to cut back on other things that aren't as important as my precious bundles of love. When I brought them into my life I committed to providing them a happy and healthy life.

    If you are like I was you still have doubts about purchasing Nature's Blend. Do what I did. Start by purchasing 1 bag. Then stand back and watch your dog. Let your dog speak for Nature's Blend. Mine did!

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    2 people found it helpful

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