Vicki D.
Chicago, ILMember since December 2019

Reviews (1)

    • Dec 18, 2019
    • Verified Reviewer

    Beverly Hills MD Dermal Repair Complex

    Approaching 50

    Overall Experience:

    I am turning 50 next year. I come from a family of women who had great skin and already look 20 years younger than what they were. My Mom was 66 when she died and she did not have one wrinkle on her face. My grandmother was 94 when she died and I recall at the funeral home how so many people were commenting on how beautiful and young she looked. No one ever believed she was in her 90's.

    I too look very young for my age (working out religiously, eating healthy) but for me I had already been a supplement queen, taking a lot of the ingredients in the Complex for years (started in my 20s) and having a good skincare regimen. Anyway, I bought the pills because I got tired of taking so many supplements at one time. I was really puffy around my eyes because of some stress and working long hours and not sleeping. Oh and not to mention the VERY cold winters here in Chicago. My skin was starting to look a bit dull...In the one week I have been taking them, I notice that my skin is really bright. I still supplement in addition to taking my 2 pills at night. For me, 2020 is all about being fit, fabulous and 50. And these pills are helping. I will be giving one of my bottles away as a Xmas gift. Great product!

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    4 people found it helpful

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