Los Angeles, CAMember since August 2020

Reviews (1)

    • Sep 2, 2020
    • Verified Reviewer


    Forget BetterHelp

    • Length of Use: Less than 3 months
    Overall Experience:

    My therapist, Dr. Dallas C, was clinically inexperienced and desperate for clients. Admits that she gets overloaded with messages and it’s hard to keep up. Rather than limiting the amount of new clients she accepts, she would rather make clients wait for days on end and will just give you a quick, informal response to your question or problem. She copy/pastes generic responses which shows that she could care less about who you are or what you’re going through. She forgets details about who you are and will end up doing things like pronouncing your name wrong (for example). She doesn’t remember much about you since she chooses to have so many clients at once to feed her ego. This is not real therapy! If you are keen on getting real help, do not use BetterHelp. You get what you pay for. I’ve been in real therapy before, and yes, it can be expensive, but it’s well worth the hefty price tag for the amount of personalized, undivided attention you will get. Investing in a quality therapist in REAL life is an investment in yourself. Also, telehealth therapy is nothing like being in a real room with the therapist. If you want to really do therapy, do it the right way. Pay up, show up, and forget BetterHelp.

    Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend

    2 people found it helpful

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