Member since September 2016

Reviews (1)

    • Mar 14, 2017
    • Verified Reviewer

    Vital Reds by Gundry MD

    Wonderful product

    Overall Experience:

    I've been using Vital Reds now for over six months, and the one thing that stands out for me is that my hot flashes are GONE! I am 52 years old and experienced 10 to 15 hot flashes a day. It went down gradually, and I am so happy to say I have no hot flashes and have not had a single one in four months. I sleep so much better as well.

    The other major change is that my cholesterol went from 300 to 150 without any medication. Don't get me wrong, Vital Reds is doing its part, but you have to do yours. It is not an INSTANT cure; you have to take it every day for a couple of months to see and feel the FULL benefit. Because of all the energy Vital Reds is giving me, I went from working out once a week to four times a week! I feel energized and healthy. I have not had a sneeze or cold either.

    I can definitely recommend it to anyone that wants to improve your health. Although it's not cheap, but to that I say, you cannot put a prize on your health.

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    30 people found it helpful

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