Craig Barnaby
Derry, New HampshireMember since January 2017

Reviews (1)

    • Jan 25, 2017
    • Verified Reviewer

    Vital Reds by Gundry MD

    Amazing results!

    Overall Experience:

    I have now been using Vital Reds for one month, and along with following Dr. Gundry's diet advice in his book, the results are nothing short of a miracle!

    I hade been having several health issues for about six months that had me out of work and on a ton of meds. I had gained 25 lbs, was always tired, head in a fog and feeling helpless. It came to me that none of the doctors I had seen asked anything about my diet!

    After my wife and I got serious about finding help to get me healthy and off the meds, we began doing a lot of research online. First, we looked for alternative ways to cure my ills, headaches, high blood pressure, several infections (including Pericarditis), and brain aneurysm, just to mention a few. Well, somehow through my PRAYERS, God sent me a video from out of the blue by Dr. Gundry about Vital Reds.

    After I watched it, we began our path of investigation. I decided that on December 1st, I would start taking Vital Reds. We had already ordered the book Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution, and my wife and I were tag teaming it page by page and had our plan. I would do a detox cleanse diet of vegetables and water only for ten days, then follow Dr. Gundry's advice along with my Vital Reds.

    Within those 10 days, my health began to improve in great ways. The first thing I noticed was that my allergies (as I had been using Flonase daily for about two years) were gone to this day! My energy level increased daily, and the extra weight was melting off as well. So we began cleaning out our kitchen cabinets and replacing everything with what the good things Dr. Gundry had suggested.

    I won't suggest this, but God had lead me to feel the need to reduce and stop most of my meds by now, and my blood pressure now with no meds was spot on perfect every day. I am 60 years old and was 210 pounds, and after two weeks, I had lost 12 pounds and my blood pressure daily was right at 120/80 and resting pulse rate at 60. Wow!

    Since December 1st, I started climbing the stairs in our house to gain back my strength, because while on my meds, I was so dizzy and off balance all the time that I needed to hold onto a railing or I'd fall over. I could hardly walk my dog without being out of breath or nearly falling over. I began climbing the stairs ten flights up and down, then 20 flights, then 50 at one time after three weeks! My energy continued to build daily. Plus, my headaches were gone, I was no longer sucking wind, and the weight continued to melt away. By New Years Day, I had lost 20 pounds and I was climbing 100 flights of stairs just to start my day (two sets of 50 up and down in under ten minutes, rest for 5 minutes, and do 50 more).

    As of today January 13, 2017, I have lost 25 pounds, dropped three pant sizes and feel AMAZING. My health continues to improve, and I am no longer taking medication. The doctors from Derry, New Hampshire to Boston, Massachusets don't know what to say!

    My wife has been using Vital Reds for two weeks and following Dr. Gundry's diet and lost 12 pounds as well! Finding that video from Dr. Gundry has changed my life, and just may have saved it. I thank God for His blessing and answered prayers at the hands of the great folks behind this great product.

    Keep looking up, much love and respect.

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    8 people found it helpful

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