Cynthia Rey
Cynthia Rey
CaliforniaMember since September 2017

Reviews (1)

    • Sep 8, 2017
    • Verified Reviewer

    Copper Chef Cookware

    It is NOT non-stick!

    Overall Experience:

    My friends all tell me I need new pans because I'm supposedly eating bad chemicals every time I use them. I saw these on TV one night and thought, "Wow, two for one?" I decided to go for it and got sucked into getting the skillets as well.

    I was so excited when I received them. They were so pretty! But the best thing was that I didn't have to use any more butter, spray or oil. I just tried them for the first time and cracked two eggs into the pan. Only problem: I wasn't able to turn them over. They stuck completely! It was a mess. I had to throw them away because there was hardly any egg left. I thought, "this can't be." So I got my other pan and tried it again. I threw two eggs in and got the exact same results.

    I'm so mad. The first time I use them and I can't even make eggs. I spent $130 and can't fry an egg? I haven't tried to make anything else, but I'm so not looking forward to it. If everything else sticks, I'm going to be totally depressed that I wasted good money that I work really hard for. Why can't people just be honest about their products? What is wrong with the world?

    Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend

    14 people found it helpful

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