Victor Szczerbinin
Toms River, NJMember since October 2017

Reviews (1)

    • Oct 22, 2017
    • Verified Reviewer

    FootMedix by Dermal Medix

    FootMedix works!

    Overall Experience:

    I was a little hesitant only because I've spent a lot of money on products that claim so much and do very little. I decided to take a chance with FootMedix, what could it hurt, right? The best foot product that I have ever used for my feet and cracked heals!

    I'm a mature athlete, and I'm rough on my feet. Getting a pedicure once a month is a must for me, and the young lady does a great job, but still, the cracks on my heals keep coming back, sometimes becoming fissures. Then I decided to try and ordered a tube of FootMedix. In several days application, I could see a noticeable difference in my feet! After several weeks application of this dermal cream, I was amazed at the results of having soft healthy feet again! I no longer suffer from dry cracked heels!

    Thank you, Dr. David Watts, for this wonderful foot product! FootMedix works!

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

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