James Zach
Waveland, INMember since March 2018

Reviews (1)

    • Mar 22, 2018
    • Verified Reviewer

    Gundry MD Total Restore

    Getting my gut in shape

    Overall Experience:

    On a lonely dark night, while surfing the web, I came across Dr. Gundry's expose on gut health. I started watching the information presented, and started agreeing to what was presented. I have felt for a long time that the food industry is out to get every person on earth. Dr. Gundry's research is very enlightening. My wife listened to me, and we both became enamored with his research and supporting facts. Both of us have hypertension and are overweight, obese by modern health standards. My wife also has diabetes and has not been able to get it under control.

    We decided to order Total Restore. After it arrived, we started taking it the same day.

    Inspired by Dr. Gundry's words, I ordered "the Plant Paradox." I began to read immediately, explain to my wife as I went along sharing the information and success stories. It has committed us to make dietary changes.

    We have now been taking Total Restore for six weeks, and both of us feel a difference. I have seen my GUT being more relaxed, a 30 point drop in my systolic BP, and a loss of 20 pounds. My wife has seen her insulin usage decrease a little, her BP moderate and the usage of over the counter Zantac and Nexium.

    I would say we are BOTH happy with Total Restore and will reorder.

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    3 people found it helpful

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