Justin E.
Long Beach, CAMember since August 2018

Reviews (1)

    • Aug 24, 2018
    • Verified Reviewer

    Gundry MD Total Restore

    Happily amazed

    Overall Experience:

    I hardly know where to start. I initially bought Dr. Gundry's Total Restore after stumbling across some of his videos on Pinterest, and realizing that I was suffering from just about all of the "Leaky Gut" symptoms.

    I had horrible eating habits and was constantly suffering from sinus issues, headaches, very high blood pressure, and my asthma symptoms were flaring up more and more, with bronchitis occasionally making an appearance as well.

    When I received my bottles, I hadn't even ordered The Plant Paradox yet, and simply decided to adjust my diet according to the worst offenders on his list. Even though I have never been diagnosed with celiac's disease, I decided to cut out gluten, along with sugar, tomatoes, and potatoes. I started Googling just about everything before I ate it, to see if it contained lectins, and attempted to stay away from them as much as I could, but by no means would I say that I was actually ON the Plant Paradox diet.

    I started to notice changes almost immediately. The headaches were one of the first things to go, followed closely by the sinus and breathing issues. Lack of energy and body aches and pains were also significantly reduced, but I work a lot of hours and do a lot of heavy lifting, so those aren't going to go away completely any time soon.

    I just started my second bottle, and have now received the book, which I will be using to make further adjustments to my diet. I have lost a total of 32 pounds so far and felt compelled to give my third bottle to a friend when they saw how fit I was becoming. They wanted to know what I was doing.

    Now I realize that there are claims out there that contradict Dr. Gundry's research, and state that there is nothing wrong with lectins, gluten (unless you have celiac's), and moderate sugar consumption (unless you have diabetes). But just like every topic under the sun, you will find people on both sides of the issue that will tell you why the other side is wrong.

    For me, the truth is simple. I was in very poor health before making these changes and taking the supplement, and now I'm not. I don't need any more proof than that.

    So there's absolutely no question that I would recommend both, Total Restore and The Plant Paradox to anyone who will listen. I simply tell them to try a bottle, make a few changes to their diet while they do, and see what happens. If nothing changes, what have they lost, 30 days of eating a little healthier than usual? There are worse things you could do to yourself.

    But I firmly believe that anyone who gives this stuff an honest shot will see definite, positive changes.

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

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