Rebecca V.
IllinoisMember since May 2018

Reviews (2)

    • May 25, 2018
    • Verified Reviewer

    ActivatedYou Advanced Restorative Probiotic

    Excellent product

    Overall Experience:

    I watched the video on Instagram that discussed ActivatedYou. It was literally as if this person was describing my life! Every comment could have come from my lips. The constant bloated feelings, the lack of regularity in bathroom habits, the discomfort after eating, the lack of energy! I had every symptom spoken of! It was awesome to learn how this product came to be. I felt awful that 12 years of health issues had to be endured before help was enlisted!

    I had tried EVERYTHING to help with my digestive issues. Literally, EVERYTHING. Within the first two weeks of a once daily probiotic before my first meal of the day, my ability to feel the relief of "using the facilities" had increased dramatically! Not only am I going more often, I have less stomach bloating and I actually feel relief after I go. I know that's pretty private, but it's necessary to hear!

    For people with severe IBS, IBD, and constipation, ActivatedYou is a true game changer! Also, it's great to know that these products survive the stomach and make it to the colon, where they're truly needed. And, my body is actually able to utilize the goodness of the food I eat. I have more energy, I just feel better overall! I don't know if this is supposed to happen or not, but I have had way less desire for sweets, too! I usually live by coffee and sweets.

    I just can't say enough about this product! I hope to find out more about other products from ActivatedYou as time goes on but for now, I am so grateful that people kept pushing, learning and sharing so this great product could be made. I'm awaiting my next shipment. And, with a 100% money back guarantee, for any reason, you just can't go wrong! Give yourself the gift of ActivatedYou. You deserve it, your body deserves it!

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    2 people found it helpful

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    • Oct 18, 2018
    • Verified Reviewer

    ActivatedYou Morning Complete

    Excellent product

    Overall Experience:

    I tried Morning Complete and I have not felt this good, digestively speaking, in a very long time! I suffer from a host of digestive problems. This product has made me "go" more often than I have in over a decade, no exaggeration. I haven't needed my stool softener as often either. Physically, I feel more alert. I have more energy as well! I'm glad to know that I'm not only getting pre and probiotics but also healthy super greens! I'm not even done with my first package! I can only imagine that the longer I use this, the better my health will be.

    I'm so grateful to Maggie and the doctor(s) who took the time to really dissect her issues and come up with such great and helpful products. I will definitely continue to use this product and am positive I will continue to see great results! This company, these people really care and stay in touch. They want to make sure you're living your best, healthy life. ActivatedYou has been a game changer for me, 100%!

    Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend

    2 people found it helpful

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