
Dinovite’s range of supplements, pet care products and toys work best for dog owners, as many of its products are tailored for canines.
Dinovite Review: Is It Worth It?
Dinovite is a pet company that sells a variety of products, the most notable of which is its flagship line of pet foods and supplements.
The company’s food and supplements focus on providing complete health for your pet. Because of this, these pet-health products contain ingredients Dinovite claims can boost your pet’s overall health.
If you’re a pet owner looking for a comprehensive diet solution, then Dinovite’s ingredients mix could provide a solution that addresses your pet’s digestive system and overall health.
In our review, we’ll give you an overview of the company's products, focus on its supplement’s ingredients and their efficacy, then talk about the Dinovite’s pricing.
Dinovite’s Products
Dinovite sells hundreds of products on its website that you can classify in three groups: nutrition, pet care, and play.
The company’s nutrition products include its Dinovite dog, cat, and horse powdered supplements, “Lickochops” liquid omega fatty acids, “Supromega” fish oil pills and liquid, “Fidocal” calcium supplements for dogs, and “Nubonubs” freeze-dried dog treats.
Dinovite’s pet care products include “Dogosuds” essential oil shampoos, “Gentoclean” pet shampoo, iodine pet shampoo and “Nomoflea” flea spray.
Dinovite sells a variety of pet toys, too: balls, chew toys and cat feathers.
If you’re someone who wants to get all your pet products from a health-conscious company, then there’s a good chance Dinovite’s supplements and essential-oil shampoos will appeal to you.
Dinovite Supplement Ingredients, Efficacy, and Side Effects
Dinovite’s most popular product is its supplement powder. The powder is available for dogs, cats, and horses.
The supplement’s ingredients are slightly different for each animal but all three blends (dogs, cats, horses) contain the same mix of seven probiotics. Dinovite’s cat and dog supplements contain the same three enzymes, too.
Because Dinovite’s dog and cat supplements are more popular than the horse supplement, we’ll examine the scientific evidence for probiotics and enzymes.
The first thing to understand about Dintovite’s probiotics and enzymes is that the Association of American Feed Control Officials (pet food regulators) doesn’t consider probiotics and enzymes as essential nutrients in your dog or cat’s food.
What this means is that giving Dinovite to your pet isn’t essential to their daily health; it’s an added boost. Your dog or cat will most likely get all the nutrients it needs from the food you feed him or her.
That being said, it’s important to understand what effect (if any) Dinovite supplement ingredients can have on your pet.
Probiotic Blend
Dinovite’s dog, horse and cat supplement contain a mix of seven probiotics, which are good bacteria and yeast that help regulate your pet’s digestive health:
- E. faecium
- B. subtilis
- B. licheniformis
- L. acidophilus
- B. pumilus
- L. casei
- B. thermophilum
The research into dog probiotics isn’t nearly as extensive as the research for probiotics use in humans. Therefore, there are only a few studies backing up Dinovite’s ingredients.
E. faecium may have the ability to improve your dog’s immune system if you feed it to your puppy from the time he or she is born up until one year of age.
L. acidophilus has the ability to strengthen your dog’s immune health, including boosting red and white blood cells and reducing the number of bad bacteria that can cause diarrhea.
B. subtilis and B. licheniformis might be able to reduce your dog’s bouts of diarrhea from about two days to one day.
If you don’t want to give your pet a prescription medication to stop diarrhea, it would be worth trying Dinovite because the research backing its diarrhea benefits used a relatively large sample size of dogs and used sound research techniques.
In general, the probiotics in Dinovite supplement powder can be of help at the right time. Your dog’s immune system can get a boost from E. faecium and L. acidophilus, especially if you start your pup on E. faecium after he or she is born.
Once your dog matures into adulthood, using this supplement can contribute to a stronger immune system and, in some cases, shorten a bout of diarrhea.
Beyond that, there isn’t specific evidence that this supplement’s probiotics can produce consistent, beneficial results for your healthy cats or horses.
For cats and horses dealing with diarrhea and gut issues resulting from stress, you may be able to help them with probiotics but there is no general veterinary consensus about dosages and the specific strains that can ease the symptoms.
Enzymes: Amylase, Protease, Lipase
The three enzymes in Dinovite’s dog and cat supplements are meant to help with digestion. However, there isn’t much research that indicates giving your pet enzymes is going to give them clear benefits in the short- or long-term.
Both PetMd and Tufts University’s veterinary department are straightforward in their conclusion that supplemental enzymes aren’t helpful for dogs with otherwise normal digestion.
“While many of these products may be advertised as if they are critical to your pet’s health and would provide many benefits, they are very unlikely to live up to the hype. Unfortunately, like many nutritional supplements, enzyme supplements for healthy pets are often a case where the science doesn’t support the marketing,” veterinarian Dr. Cailin Heinze wrote for Tufts University’s Cummings Veterinary Medical Center.
Dinovite’s enzymes could be helpful if your pet has a rare pancreatic disorder called exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. However, an otherwise healthy dog or cat probably won’t see any benefits.
Side Effects
The most common side effects your dog or cat will experience will be related to the probiotics in Dinovite. Symptoms tend to be gut-related: bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.
Overall, they’re considered safe for dogs, cats, and horses.
Pricing and Return Policy
Dinovite’s health products range in price from $2.99 for a bag of Nubonubs dog treats to $349.99 for a 90-day supply of Dinovite horse food supplement.
The company’s pet care products range in price from $8.49 for Dogosuds and Gentoclean shampoos to $39.98 for a two-bottle bundle of Nomoflea flea spray.
Dinovite’s pet toys cost between $3.99 to $10.99.
All products sold on the website have a 90-day trial period, which means you can try them for 90 days to see if you like them. If you don’t, you can call Dinovite at (859) 428-1000 to start a return.
The phone rep will give you a return authorization number you’ll include in your return. Dinovite will not pay for your return shipping and you must include any unused or used products and packaging in your return.
This 90-day guarantee is only good on your first purchase. The guarantee is void for subsequent purchases.
Subsequent purchases are covered by a 30-day return period that applies to new, unopened items.
Key Takeaways from Customer Reviews
Customers who have used Dinovite’s various products give the company average ratings on HighYa and other review platforms.
Top Compliment: Dogs Stopped Itching
Many of the positive reviews we read talked about how effective Dinovite’s supplements, treats, and shampoos were in alleviating itching. While the reviewers didn’t specify why their dogs were itching in the first place, they emphasized how their dogs stopped itching.
Top Complaint: Dogs Experienced Side Effects
Many of the negative reviews we read indicated that the pet who took Dinovite products became sick after taking Dinovite’s supplements and treats.
There were multiple reports of dogs vomiting and having intestinal issues. While these may sound scary, they are within the realm of side effects for dogs taking probiotics.
The Bottom Line: Will Dinovite Products Benefit Your Pet?
For Dogs
As a supplement brand, we think that they’ve chosen ingredients (probiotics, enzymes) that have some scientific backing to suggest they'll help your dog boost his or her immune system at an early age.
We also think your dog will benefit from the supplement if he or she has occasional bouts of diarrhea that last a couple of days.
But because Dinovite is more than just a supplement company, it’s important to look at its entire lineup of products to understand if they can be a comprehensive resource for your pet.
If you prefer to use dog shampoos infused with essential oils, Dinovite is a good resource, as they provide three different types of oil-infused shampoos.
For Cats
If you’re a cat owner looking for a single brand selling a variety of options for cat care, you’ll find Dinovite pretty limiting. They offer one option for cat shampoo, a flea spray, a couple of cat toys and a hair remover.
When you consider that Dinovite’s supplement powder shows the best results for dogs, you may want to look for a bigger online pet marketplace like Chewy if you need a comprehensive solution for your cat’s health and care.
For Horses
Dinovite’s supplement is the only product they sell for horses. Therefore, we believe shopping on a horse-specific online marketplace is your best bet for finding a wide variety of food, health and horse-care options.
Customer Reviews
Posted on Feb 1, 2024
My dog lost her fur, has bad rash from Dinovite
My dog lost all her fur because of this product, I tried to get my money back, it's been only 87 days, they have 90 day money back guarantee, and they refuse to refund me. To add insult to injury, they are charging me for a bag I didn't order because they said I have subscription. My brother's dog has had the same bad reaction to the product as well. Dinovite refused to refund my money and just charged me 38 for a bag. I don't want your product.
Length of Use: Less than 3 months
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on Aug 23, 2023
My sweet EMME is gone.
First of all, Dinovite does not deserve a star at all. So, I have two dogs, one a perfectly happy, healthy bichon, the other a rescue who was getting a shot for her uncontrollable itching. They worked, but when we heard about Dinovite, we assumed it would be better for her health. We decided to give it to both dogs, believing it was good for them. We put it on their canned prescription food, that my bichon had been in since six weeks — she’s now 11 and 1/2 the food prevented her from getting stones like our previous bichon. They’ve been getting Dinovite for 4–5 months now. They both have experienced temporary numbness in their paws and legs at different times (this should have been a clue), but I missed it. Two days ago my BELOVED SWEET EMME dropped dead in our bedroom. She has had regular checkups since birth and at 11 still acted like a puppy. Now she is gone and I can’t stop crying. Please DON’T give your dogs this poison. PLEASE DON’T let EMME’s death be in vain.
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Posted on Apr 17, 2023
Horrible customer service
I tried to return 2 unused portions after Dinovite stopped working on my dog. Dinovite only allows returns on your first order. The emails I got back from Sherry P. were unhelpful and condescending. She was very rude and unprofessional and Dinovite needs to reevaluate its return policy. I acknowledged that I forgot to cancel the auto subscription, which is very common, but they are unwilling to accept ANY returns after your first order. What company is this rigid on returns? I would never recommend this brand.
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
No “pros” were specified in this review
Return policy
Customers service
Posted on Jul 14, 2022
Nearly killed my dog!
The product was rancid. My dogs stopped eating their food and my elderly dog was rushed to the vet because he was throwing up. Found out the Dinovite was rancid and Dinovite will not stand behind its product.
Length of Use: 2+ years
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
Thought I was feeding my dog a supportive supplement
Product is rancid
Terrible customer service
Nearly killed my dog
Posted on Jul 1, 2022
Dinovite made my dog sick
I bought the largest box for my 85 lbs dog. From day one my dog turned his nose up to it. I had to totally blend it into the food and he was never happy about it. He usually digs into his food, but not with the Dinovite. About 3 weeks into feeding it to him I came home to poop and vomit throughout my entire house! Had to have the entire house steam cleaned and never gave it to him again. Nothing ever made him sick before Dinovite or since I stopped adding it to his food. I kept the almost full box for about a month and then threw it in the trash. Just my personal experience.
Length of Use: Less than 3 months
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
No “pros” were specified in this review
It was expensive and an extremely bad idea
It cost me $200 to clean my house after this bad decision
Posted on Mar 31, 2022
They have customers making false claims on their testimonials. The customer service agent mocked me. They refunded my money because I refused to take a no. Don’t use Dinovite.
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
No “pros” were specified in this review
Wouldn’t let me talk
Mocked my views
Posted on Sep 8, 2021
Bought for a different problem...
I have heard that although Dinovite was supposed to help with itching, etc., I also heard it stopped dogs from eating poop and it did! We had 2 miniature Dachshund sisters who both did this (yuk) and in just a few days of feeding Dinovite, the poop-eating stopped! The girls have passed on now but I kept the last empty box in case we ever needed it again, don't want to forget the name. Thanks!
Length of Use: 2+ years
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
Product solved the problem
No “cons” were specified in this review
Posted on Apr 6, 2021
Definition of snake oil
I’ve tried all of the products they have to sell on my dog. My dog will not eat any of it. I’ve spent well over $300.00 on their Dinovite and will never buy anything from this company again. Don’t waste your time and money.
Length of Use: 6–12 months
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
No “pros” were specified in this review
Snake oil
Product is garbage
Posted on Apr 6, 2021
Don't waste your money
Our 10-year-old Saint Bernard/Shepherd mix has been battling yeast infection for most of his life. The only thing that helps is Prednisone but it makes him constantly hungry so he is overweight. We decided to try Dinovite and used it for 3 months and it didn't help even one little bit, not with the itching and not even with the smell. It was a total waste of money.
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
No “pros” were specified in this review
The product didn't work
Posted on Feb 19, 2021
Smells fishy, my dogs didn’t like it
The powder looked like finely chopped grass and the liquid really stinks. I never tried to get my money back. I figured I learned my lesson. You can lead a horse to water but if they don’t like it that’s too bad. They ate it once. They refused it every time thereafter.
Length of Use: Less than 3 months
Bottom Line: No, I would not recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
Prompt shipping
Expensive product
The fishy oil bottle leaked some during shipping
Very stinky
Posted on Nov 18, 2020
Relief for my fur baby!
My 11-year-old corgi-pom mix was losing her hair and scratching herself raw. Nothing the vet gave was effective for it. I've been hearing about Dinovite on the radio for years and finally "heard" it.
It took a few weeks before it kicked in but it was really effective on her scratching once it did. After 3 months, her groomer commented on how much better her hair and skin were. She's back to being the fluffy butt she's always been.
She's also gotten her playful personality back and is less anxious.
I had some questions regarding how much to use for her size. Customer service responded quickly to my concerns.
I'll keep using it forever! Thank you Dinovite!
Length of Use: 3–6 months
Bottom Line: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend
Pros and Cons
Product was really effective as advertised
Stopped scratching
Improved skin and hair
Customer service responded quickly
Took a while to get product
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