ThermoFight X Review

ThermoFight X is alleged to boost your metabolism with a blend of caffeine and extracts. While many of the ingredients have supporting research, this supplement may not be worth the extra money and risk for stimulant-related side effects.
- Priced more competitively if you’re a member
- Ingredients backed by research
- Favorable return policy
- Pricey for non-members
- Product label does not make clear the caffeine content
- Multiple forms of caffeine can result in unwanted side effects
- Must be a member to speak with customer service
- Products with similar blends are available for $10-15 cheaper than even member’s pricing
ThermoFight X Review: Important Things to Consider
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It Works! claims that Thermofight X will support weight loss with a blend of caffeine and extracts.
According to the company's claims, you can expect the following by taking one capsule twice daily:
- As much as 31lbs of weight loss in 90-days
- Enhanced metabolism and energy
- To Burn stored fat
- Ketosis support
Additionally, the company claims that Thermofight X is non-GMO and free of soy and artificial ingredients.
While the ingredients in this product are not unique to Thermofight X, we have not come across a dietary supplement that claims to offer more than 30lbs of weight loss in 3-months.
In this article, we’ll help you determine if there is any merit to these claims by reviewing the available research for the Thermofight X blend of ingredients.
ThermoFight X Active Ingredients: Do They Work?
ThermoFight X is proposed to support weight loss with a blend of caffeine and extracts. Each capsule contains the following:
Calcium – 140mg and Chromium – 200mcg
Calcium is an essential mineral that is vital for a wide variety of functions related to muscle and heart function, as well as bone health.
While it’s weight loss benefits have been investigated, they are not well supported. Over 25-weeks, even 1,000mg doses of calcium daily were ineffective in offering weight loss benefits in women.
Chromium is also a mineral. It is abundant in beef, fruits, and whole-wheat products.
Its metabolism-boosting effects are not well-studied. A review of 15 trials concluded that doses ranging from 10-1000mcg were not beneficial for energy metabolism.
Regarding weight loss, a review of 20 randomized trials found that chromium was mildly beneficial, but mainly in those that were overweight and obese.
Green Coffee Bean Extract (GCBE) – 100mg
Green coffee bean extract (GCBE) offers many of its suspected metabolic benefits through caffeine. In fact, as GCBE is obtained from raw beans, it may actually provide more caffeine than roasted coffee beans.
A review of 3 randomized trials that included GCBE doses ranging 180-200mg over 1-4 months concluded that significant weight loss was achieved when compared to those taking a placebo.
Obese women treated with the combo of 500mg of GCBE and regular exercise over 2-months significantly reduced their metabolic syndrome severity scores.
Proprietary Green Tea Blend – 437.5mg
Green tea is often found in fat-burning supplements as it may contribute to a variety of metabolic-boosting benefits.
When combined with 200mg caffeine, green tea doses that ranged from 90 to 400 mg as many as 3 times daily were able to boost energy expenditure to the same degree regardless of the dose.
Also, the combo of daily exercise and 500mg of green tea reduced body weight, BMI, waist to hip ratio, and body fat more than exercise alone.
Greenselect Phytosome is a trademarked form of green tea that is caffeine-free and combined with phospholipids to increase absorption. There are a few studies available that examined the weight-loss and metabolic effects of this extract.
This randomized study is likely the reason behind the lofty weight-loss claims made by It Works!. Over 90-days, obese subjects treated with phytosome lost more than 30lbs and reduced their BMI. These effects were greater than those achieved by the individuals who followed a low-calorie diet only.
Phytosome at 300mg daily was also effective in reducing weight, blood lipid profile, and blood pressure when compared to diet and exercise alone over 24-weeks.
Even without caffeine, 300mg daily of phytosome was effective for weight loss in obese women over 3-months.
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is one of the various active compounds within green tea that may be responsible for its proposed benefits.
In terms of weight loss, a recent review examined the available literature to determine EGCG’s potential effects. Researchers reviewed 15 articles and concluded that doses of EGCG ranging between 100 and 460 mg/day were effective in reducing body fat and body weight when used for 12-weeks or more, especially when combined with caffeine doses ranging from 80 and 300 mg/day.
Proprietary Thermogenic Blend – 75mg
Jalapeno and cayenne pepper extracts may offer metabolism-boosting benefits through the compound that gives both their spicy - capsaicin.
So far, research has demonstrated that these effects are possible, though mild at best. In a randomized trial, 1g of cayenne effectively burned an extra 10 calories over 4.5 hours. A review backed these findings by determining that high doses of capsaicin can boost energy expenditure and fat metabolism, but only to a minor degree.
Black pepper is a commonly used spice in the culinary world, though it is also often found in supplements that claim to offer metabolism-boosting capabilities.
In overweight subjects that were randomized to receive 6mg of black pepper each day, treatment was associated with reduced BMI and body fat.
Ginger is another ingredient common to both cuisine and natural medicine formulations. While it may offer anti-inflammatory, energy metabolism, and weight loss benefits, supportive research is lacking.
A review of 8 randomized trials concluded that 1600-4000mg doses did improve blood sugar control over 2-3 months, though energy metabolism was not affected in the short-term. A later study did not support ginger’s ability to improve energy metabolism, however. Even 2g of ginger daily did not impact resting energy expenditure in overweight subjects.
Cinnamon bark may offer similar benefits to some of TheromoFight’s other ingredients such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and disease-fighting benefits. Its effects on energy metabolism have also been investigated.
In obese women, 5g of cinnamon bark effectively improved blood sugar regulation. Also, a review of 10 randomized trials found cinnamon at doses ranging from 120mg/d - 6 g/d over 1 to 4-months reduced fasting blood sugar levels.
Side Effects
Thermofight X, like any stimulant-containing supplement, can have harmful side effects, even when used properly.
The company does not detail the amount of caffeine available in 100mg of GCBE. They do note that you’ll take in about 125mg of caffeine from the green tea blend alone when used as directed.
While 400mg daily is generally safe, you may be approaching levels that can be associated with unwanted effects when you factor in the caffeine from GCBE and your regular soda, coffee, and tea intake.
Those sensitive to caffeine, as well as individuals with pre-existing heart conditions or those taking medications that support the heart function may be at even greater risk.
If you’ve consumed too much caffeine, you may notice restlessness, nausea, agitation, rapid heart rate, and increased blood pressure. Also, the FDA states that the rapid consumption of 1,200mg of caffeine can cause seizures or even death.
For these reasons, it is important to ask your doctor about using Thermofight X or similar products to ensure they are safe to use whether you are healthy or have chronic medical conditions.
The Cost
ThermoFight X is available directly from the It Works! website. This supplement retails for $67, shipping is calculated at checkout.
To be eligible for Loyal Customer pricing ($39.95) you are required to sign up for 3-months minimum of auto-shipments, or by placing a single order and paying a $50 membership fee.
While fairly pricey, It Works! will back your order with a 30-day guarantee.
For additional inquiries, you can first review the FAQs. If this section doesn’t cover your question, you can reach out to support. However, you’ll need to create an account to access their customer portal as It Works! does not provide an email or phone number for customer service.
What Are the Alternatives to ThermoFight X?
There are many supplements that claim to offer fat-burning and weight loss capabilities, though their blends may slightly differ when compared to Thermofight X.
We’ve reviewed a fairly similar product - Instant Knockout.
Like Thermofight X, Instant Knockout also offers chromium, green tea extract, green coffee bean extract, cayenne, black pepper, though their blend also contains caffeine anhydrous, glucomannan, zinc and B vitamins.
You get a bit more bang for your buck and still pay around $60 for a 1-month supply. While this may sound like a better deal, keep in mind the artificial caffeine included in Instant Knockout can be dangerous when consumed in excess.
Smart Burn from bpi Sports is another example. They also offer both caffeine anhydrous and green tea extract, though the supplement is a powdered blend. A 15-day supply will run you $26.99.
Trans4orm from Evlution Nutrition has a 30-day supply of capsules that includes B vitamins, green tea extract, caffeine, and black pepper extract for just $22.49.
While this blend is not identical to Thermofight X, at about a third of the price, it represents a more cost-effective option.
Nonetheless, you should proceed with caution with using stimulant-containing supplements. Always check with your doctor before use.
The Bottom Line
The ThermoFight X blend does contain a number of ingredients that support weight loss and metabolic benefits. While various forms of caffeine are responsible for many of these effects, Greenselect Phytosome does have published support for the 30lb weight-loss claims made by It Works!.
Nonetheless, this was just in one study. Long-term evidence is lacking and there is no evidence that those at a healthy weight will achieve the drastic results seen in this study.
As Thermofight X does contain multiple forms of caffeine, use can be dangerous in conjunction with other forms of the stimulant or if you have a medical condition.
Despite membership fees saving your 40%, a favorable return policy, and ingredients with some scientific support, it is best to avoid stimulant-containing formulations.
Greenselect Phytosome is caffeine-free and has been proven to offer weight loss benefits in those that are obese and overweight. Finding a supplement that offers this ingredient alone may be a safer option.
If you’re still interested in a stimulant-containing product, always speak with your doctor first to confirm safety.